join the movement
The church started with a movement among men who said yes to the invitation of Jesus to walk with Him in a personal way as He taught them and poured into them. These men went on to change the world. It is time for another great movement among men who say yes to Jesus – yes to walking with Him, yes to being empowered by Him, yes to becoming His agents of impact in the world and the days in which we live. It is time for mighty men to come forth and heroes to arise. It is time for Men on the Frontlines!
Men on the Frontlines is here for you. Our broadcasts, webinars and events are a place where men can be stirred, empowered and encouraged in their gifts and callings. Men on the Frontlines is lighting a fire among men around the world – men who will go forth and burn brightly for God in every sphere of influence.

Brotherhood, Breakthrough & Adventure!
Men on the Frontlines comes alongside the hero in every man, helping them see and understand how they’ve been blessed and empowered as a son of God to be a difference-maker and solution-bringer for the Kingdom here on earth. Our events, weekend retreats, and other gatherings give men a chance to connect with a real brotherhood of believers, accelerate in the things of God, and receive impartation, empowerment and breakthrough in the areas they need it most. When you connect with Men on the Frontlines you become part of a band of brothers that will accept you as you are as well as lift you higher in all God has called you to be.
A global
Men on the Frontlines empowers men in regions across the USA, as well as many different nations around the world. Pictured above, is a few of the men who came to a Heroes Arise even that Robert Hotchkin and Brad Carter brought to Cambodia. Men on the Frontlines hosts a private Facebook group for a brotherhood of believers from all over the globe. It’s a place for encouragement, teaching resources, conference and event announcements, and more. You can interact with, chat with, and even get to know other men who are running their race with and for Jesus. Click here to join in today.
heroes arise broadcast
It’s time for heroes to arise
Heroes Arise is our social-media broadcast dedicated to encouraging, equipping and empowering you to arise as the hero, warrior and champion God created you to be. Every week, Robert digs into issues and topics that men, the church and the world are facing. He and his guests share insights, revelation, keys and tactics that help you be a difference-maker and solution-bringer in your life, family, workplace and beyond.